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Value Creation Private Equity Services Across the Investment Lifecycle

With 100% U.S.-based teams that specialize in PE firms’ investments, Coastal will execute digital transformation strategies without slowing down your portfolio company. From handling complex mergers, carve-outs, and platform roll-up projects to conducting health checks and providing organizational support, Coastal maintains a laser focus on delivering results.

Coastal’s Accelerated Solutions

Salesforce Data Cloud

Unlock the future of deep personalization and AI tools. Today, most organizations have data scattered across multiple systems and platforms, including web and mobile apps, e-commerce sites, health record providers, resource management services, and Salesforce CRM. Salesforce Data Cloud helps you harmonize this data, analyze it in Tableau, and take action across marketing, sales, and service.

Coastal’s combination of technical and business knowledge is where they really shine.


Our Expertise

Customer 360 Platform
Data Cloud
Experience Cloud
Marketing Cloud
Revenue Cloud
Sales Cloud
Service Cloud


ROAI (2)
What exactly is ROAI—and why does it matter?
The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Data Cloud
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Dreamforce Guide: Your Dreamforce 2024 Essentials from Coastal